Taking place on 21 February 2018, the seminar will centre around the Scottish Government’s new Diet and Obesity Strategy and Physical Activity Delivery Plan, and the introduction of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy.
The event - including keynote addresses from Elspeth Macdonald, deputy chief executive of FSS and cancer prevention champion, Professor Linda Bauld (Cancer Research UK) - will also engage with issues such as developing evidenced-based solutions to combatting obesity; options for healthier products, reducing or restricting junk food advertising; and local solutions (including education and sports communities.)
The seminar follows the recent report commissioned by FSS on retail and healthier choices, which called for further changes to the sugar tax remit, product reformulation, portion size, food promotion and consumer information. These will also be discussed in further detail on the day.
Guests will also have the opportunity to engage with key policymakers and other parties of interest, including Dr David Blane, Academic GP, University of Glasgow; Sue Davies, Chief Policy Advisor, Which? and David Thomson, Chief Executive Officer, FDF Scotland who will also be speaking.