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Scottish Ministers delay universal free school meals initiative

9th Sep 2024 - 07:00
Scottish Ministers delay universal free school meals initiative
The Scottish Government has announced that it has delayed its plans to expand universal free school meals to every primary schoolchild across the country, it was reported by BBC News.

In last year’s programme for Government, a promise was made to expand free school meals eligibility to primary year six and seven. This year’s document says funding will only be targeted to children in primary year six and seven if their families are in receipt of Scottish Child Payment.  

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The Scottish Government continues to be committed to the universal expansion of free school meals in primary schools. We are already delivering this provision in primaries one to five, with the next stage of the rollout being for Primary six and seven pupils in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment.

“However, the current financial situation means that universality will now not be delivered by 2026. The Scottish Government will work with partners in local government to meet our joint ambition to fully deliver on this commitment. Should funding from the UK Government become available, then we will endeavour to complete delivery for all of Scotland’s primary pupils.”

First Minister John Swinney announced this year’s programme for Government outlining his priorities were eradicating child poverty, building prosperity, protecting the planet and improving public services.

Former PSC100 chair (now the Public Sector Catering Alliance) criticised the move by the Scottish Government by stating: “This is very shortsighted and will impact the long term to the children.”

Scottish Greens education spokesperson Ross Greer MSP, added: “It is outrageous that so many children live in poverty across the UK, one of the richest countries in the history of the planet. That’s why the Scottish Greens secured the expansion of free school meals to all P4 and P5 pupils in Scotland, and a commitment to include P6 and P7 before the next election. 

“The SNP have dropped that commitment, despite claiming that tackling child poverty is their top priority. At the very same time though, they are throwing millions of pounds of tax breaks at big businesses and elite landowners. They had a choice and they made the wrong one.”

Written by
Edward Waddell