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Scotland’s Zero Waste Plans miss a massive waste management opportunity, says CESA

17th Mar 2011 - 00:00
Opportunities are being missed in Scotland’s waste management plan, according to the Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA).
It's the Zero Waste Plans in Scotland which has caused CESA to join forces with the British Hospitality Association (BHA) to set out the issues. CESA chair Mick Shaddock explained more: "We fully support the need to reduce landfill and segregate food waste at source. But in their current state, Scotland's proposed Zero Waste regulations not only add a serious financial burden to Scottish caterers, they also ignore the technologies, already available, that can solve the issues more cheaply and more effectively." In a submission to Holyrood, the key points of the campaign are: The proposal to impose mandatory kerbside collection ignores the potential of established technologies, such as food waste disposers (FWDs) and composters, to achieve the Zero Waste objectives, more efficiently and more cheaply. The Bill's 'one solution' model (of kerbside collection of food waste for treatment) is a barrier to innovation in developing waste recycling and disposal technologies. Technologies that separate, pre-treat or process food waste before it leaves the premises significantly reduce the volume (of food waste) transported by road. By improving the management of dry, solid waste they reduce cost and increase energy efficiency. Health and security could be compromised under the proposals. For example, onsite equipment already plays a crucial role in Scottish hospitals, where immediate treatment of food waste is a significant and established hygiene benefit. If collection of the food waste is disrupted, for example by weather or industrial action, then a significant health hazard would be created. The onsite food waste treatment equipment already used in 2,700 Scottish businesses will be rendered redundant by the proposals (even though it does a more efficient job at a lower cost). Meanwhile, the tax payer will have to fund the building of new food waste processing plants. CESA also criticises the concerns raised in the Zero Waste proposals about the 'potential adverse effects' of FWDs and other food waste treatment systems. "These concerns are misleading and incorrect," said Shaddock. "We have provided Holyrood with robust, international scientific evidence to prove these technologies deliver an effective, environmentally-sound solution." CESA also points out that, in larger kitchens, onsite food waste equipment can actually contribute to the establishment's income. An award-winning composting system at Imperial College, London, achieved payback in less than a year, by recycling over 50 tonnes of food waste from the campus. "The established food waste treatment technologies are a better way to achieve the Zero Waste targets and position Scotland at the forefront of innovation in waste reduction," said Shaddock. "What's more, they provide a solution that's more environmentally-sound and at a lower cost."
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PSC Team