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School caterer in Nottingham wins Pritchitts Magic Number prize draw

27th Jun 2012 - 01:00

Julia Hall, a catering manager at a performing arts school in Nottingham, is the latest winner of the Pritchitts monthly Magic Number prize draw, bagging herself a brand new iPad.

Hall discovered her magic number on a catering pack of Pritchitts Viva Milk – the education sector’s favourite flavoured milk – registering her winning code online at She and her team have been serving Viva Flavoured Milk for the last six years after discovering it at a LACA Conference, and regularly sell over 150 cartons a day.

She commented: “We like to go to events like LACA to get new ideas” said Julia, “we were introduced to the benefits of Viva Milk on the Pritchitts stand and haven’t looked back since.  

“Viva Milk goes down really well with the kids, it doesn’t matter which flavour – strawberry, chocolate or banana – they love it, and we get through a lot each day.

It feels great to have won. I was really surprised to get the call out of the blue; the team was so excited for the rest of the day after we found out.”

Pritchitts head of marketing, Simon Muschamp added: “Congratulations to Julia and the team. Their hard work - day in, day out - makes for very worthy winners. Stocking Viva Milk is the easy way to get kids drinking milk which, as we know, is vital for both physical and mental development. Julia has taken this message on board, and is reaping the benefits daily, we’re delighted for her.” 

Written by
PSC Team