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School canteen hit by fake coins scam

24th Mar 2009 - 00:00
An Ipswich school has asked parents to be more vigilant after it spotted more than 100 £1 coins which had been taken as payment for school meals.
Cash collection company Loomis made the school aware of the counterfeit coins which were headed for the school's bank account. A letter was sent home to parents from the finance department of Northgate High School. It said: "A number of forged £1 coins are passing through the school. Because significant amounts are involved, more than £100 in the last two weeks alone, in future all £1 coins will be checked at the time of payment and will not be accepted if fake." Suffolk County Council said in a statement that this was the only that had reported a problem with counterfeit coins. The Royal Mint estimates that the number of fake £1 coins in circulation stands at over 30 million.
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PSC Team