Any new takeaways, kebab houses, fish and chip shops and chains located close to schools would not be allowed to serve hot food over the counter during school hours under the proposals.
The suggested regulations – open to public consultation until 5 July – are just the latest of a number of attempts by local authorities to target fast food to stem increasing rates of childhood obesity.
Several have already banned takeaways from opening close to schools, youth clubs and parks.
Now Salford residents are being asked for their views on new takeaways and whether there should be restrictions on new ones opening near schools.
Other proposals include ensuring hot food takeaways do not worsen any existing problems of crime and disorder.
Councillor Margaret Morris, Assistant Mayor for Health and Wellbeing at Salford City Council said: "Takeaways create jobs and provide a service but these ideas are to make sure that they are opening in the right places and not having a negative impact in our city.
"We don't think they should be serving hot food over the counter before 5pm near schools, as children should be encouraged to eat healthily, so we have made this clear in our proposal.
"Public health and helping to reduce obesity levels are a top priority, and while planners cannot control the food that is sold we would like every new premise to offer well promoted healthy alternatives so people can have an informed choice about the food they eat.
"Residents are encouraged to come forward with any comments or suggestions so they can be taken into consideration before a decision is made on the future of planning in our city."