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Saints & Sinners success for Springboard

6th Mar 2017 - 09:12
Saints & Sinners success for Springboard
A total of £55,000 was raised at Springboard’s Saints & Sinners: The Alternative Big Event, which raised money for the hospitality industry charity.

The event was hosted by David Meade and had entertainment from Rockaoke, the London International Gospel Choir, and cabaret from Martin Dibben.

Anne Pierce, Springboard’s CEO, said: “We are thrilled with the amount we raised through Saints & Sinners: The Alternative Big Event. The event lived up to its theme, as cabaret combined with gospel choirs and Springboard’s panto cast even made a re-appearance, ‘oh yes they did’!

“On the night guests dressed to impress, donning horns and halos, and as ever we appreciate all the support that was shown – sinners and saints alike. To Springboard, everyone who continues to attend our events is a saint – we hope to see you all at our future events!”

The event took place on March 1st at London’s QEII Centre.

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Anonymous (not verified)