With company turnover reaching £30 million “for the first time” – no doubt helped by the eight additional contracts it gained in 2017 - co-founder
Andrew Wilson said: “Wilson Vale’s consistent and careful approach is clearly working, and we are pleased to report a very positive set of results.
“We believe that the outlook for 2018 is also positive, although we are not expecting the same level of growth as 2017 as all the stars aligned perfectly last year.
“This year, we will have one-off costs for our new, highly specified 8,000 sq. ft. corporate headquarters in Ashby-de-la-Zouch (Leciestershire). We feel that this investment is the right thing to do for the longer-term strength and reputation of the business.
“The risks associated with the business for the future are within the wider economy and business confidence generally.
“However, being privately-owned gives us the flexibility to make sensible long-term decisions for the benefit of a stronger business – and not the short-term equity markets.
“What is important is that we stick to our chosen path of retaining our culture, our focus on food and people and of course, looking after our clients with complete individual focus.”
Kicking off 2018 “strongly,” the caterer has already launched a three-year, £750,000 contract with Kent College Pembury - providing its catering services to 600 pupils and 200 staff.
It also won a new contract with healthcare and research company, Bionical, which started on 5 March and sees a team of two providing catering services to 120 Bionical staff on site.
Wilson added: “To open a new contract with Bionical in Derbyshire, just a ten-minute drive from where we are investing in our own new HQ, is serendipity.
“We are looking forward to working collaboratively with our new client throughout 2018 and engaging with their teams, with the accent on wellbeing and nutrition.”