With 38% of hospitality professionals wasting three-five hours each month on equipment issues (60 hours a year), unreliable equipment was found to be one of the ‘biggest factors’ impacting workloads and contributing to a pressured working environment. 61% said better machinery would make their kitchen more efficient.
Other key issues outlined in the ‘Life is Better Filtered: The Collaborative Kitchen’ report, include:
- 70% of hospitality workers feel stressed in the kitchen - 41% on a daily basis
- Equipment costs a quarter of businesses ‘up to’ a 10% loss of sales monthly
- 82% feel have additional costs due to unexpected equipment repairs
- Half consider themselves time poor when completing everyday tasks in the kitchen
- 68% worry about the consistency of their food offering
BRITA UK managing director, Sarah Taylor, said: “While the hospitality sector is booming, it’s still one of the most challenging times for businesses with an on-going skills shortage; turbulent economic and environmental climate; and growing pressure from discerning consumers.
“The kitchen is the backbone of any hospitality establishment and for a business to succeed, it needs to be operating as efficiently as possible.
“It’s a challenging but exciting time in the sector, and BRITA can’t wait to see what innovations hospitality businesses continue to implement to create the ultimate collaborative kitchen.”
Download the report here: https://issuu.com/britaprofessional/docs/brita_collaborative_kitchen_single_.