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Research finds ‘classic childhood dinners’ could be consigned to history

2nd Jun 2023 - 05:00
tuna pasta bake
Research from British Lion Eggs has revealed that a quarter of modern children have never tried toad in the hole while one in five have not tried spaghetti hoops.

Two thirds (64%) of the parents surveyed admit that the food their children eat is very different to the meals they were served as a child, with a further 77% agreeing that many old school children’s teas like beans on toast and fish fingers are seen as old fashioned and outdated now.

According to the survey, 27% of children have never tried cream of tomato soup, while a quarter have never been served a classic tuna pasta bake.

Instead modern children are more likely to be fed superfoods such as avocado, fish and eggs (20%). Modern children are also more likely to sit down with their parents for dinner, with roast chicken and spaghetti bolognese topping the list of most popular choices. Overall 87% of 2,000 parents who were surveyed said they enjoy getting their children involved in cooking meals, which leads to them being more adventurous.

Andrew Joret, spokesperson for British Lion Eggs, said: “Kids’ meal preferences, and what their parents choose to feed them, seems to be changing with nutrition and social media both impacting choices.

“However, our survey shows that eggs remain a constant favourite as they are nutrient-rich, quick, easy and affordable, and parents can serve them runny to children of all ages including babies when they are stamped with the Lion mark.”

Classic children’s meals that are losing favour with modern parents include:

  • Cream of tomato soup (27% of under tens have never tried it)
  • Tuna pasta bake (25%)
  • Toad in the hole (24%)
  • Frozen burgers (20%)
  • Spaghetti hoops on toast (19%)
  • Fish finger sandwich (16%)
  • Baked potato with cheese and beans (15%)
  • Chicken dippers and chips (13%)
  • Sausage and mash (12%)
  • Nuggets and chips (11%)
Written by
Edward Waddell