22nd Jan 2024 - 05:00
Recent polling carried out by Whittard of Chelsea across their Instagram channel has revealed English breakfast tea is the favoured tea choice to kick-off people’s day, followed by fruit infusion (14%), peppermint tea (12%) and green tea (12%).
The research also found that 76% of consumers are feeling tired or burnt-out this January. The most popular solutions according to the consumers involved in the research is to take regular tea breaks (45%), take walks outside (22%), speaking to co-workers (19%) and 13% like to have a lunchtime nap.
Peppermint tea (34%) is the most popular tea that helps people to wind down after a long day. It finished ahead of camomile tea (33%), green tea (19%) and ginger tea (13%). Seventy two percent said drinking tea helps to counter negative emotions around January burnout.
When drinking tea the most popular emotions that come to mind are calm (66%), refreshed (17%), happiness (13%) and nostalgia (3%).