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Red Tractor logo “more important than ever to dairy farmers,” says chairman

13th Sep 2017 - 13:00
Speaking of the benefits of Red Tractor farm assurance, sector chairman Angela Rhodes has today claimed that it “has never been more important to the UK dairy industry.”

Informing consumers that products have been produced in the UK to “strict standards covering traceability, food safety and animal welfare,” the logo, Rhodes said, sets products apart from competition – especially important as “the volume of cheap imported dairy products could increase post Brexit.”

Speaking at the UK Dairy Day in Telford, she added: “We can’t expect consumers to simply continue to buy our products when given more choice and cheaper alternatives. There has to be a compelling reason to choose something that is UK produced. 

“With the Red Tractor scheme we have a ready-made solution. The robust standards tell people where their food came from and how it has been produced.”

Given that research “shows about two-thirds of consumers recognise the [Red Tractor] logo but only half can explain what it stands for,” the organisation hopes to “continue to grow consumer recognition of the logo, so more domestic consumers actively source assured food.”

Rhodes added: “As we move towards and beyond Brexit, one of the keys to success will be ensuring stronger consumer support.

“The UK’s trading partners need assurance that the product they are buying meets certain standards and I hope that our farm assurance scheme can be something that negotiators can hang their hat on.”

Written by
Edward Waddell