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Ramsay's swearing proves too much for viewers

2nd Feb 2009 - 00:00
Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay found himself in hot water at the weekend after using over 300 swear words in a double-episode of his Kitchen Nightmares show.
Media watchdog Ofcom received a flood of complaints as Ramsay swore once every 20 seconds. He used the F-word 240 times. Reports in the weekend papers have called for a clampdown on the bad language used in his television programmes. Around three million people tuned in to see the Michelin-starred chef turn two eateries around and despite being shown after the 9pm watershed many viewers began to switch off. One viewer posted a comment on the Channel 4 website, which read: "I have just switched him off. There is no need for that language. It makes an interesting programme not worth watching." Other viewers have called it "annoying" and "off-putting". Former Labour minister Denis MacShane told the Sunday Mirror that he believes Ramsay should be setting a better example: "Gordon Ramsay might be a good chef but he is a terrible role model to every child and adolescent in Britain. He is giving two-fingers to people who care about the English language. Channel 4 should give Britain a break from this foul-mouthed soup-stirrer." A Channel 4 spokesman said: "Gordon Ramsay is a well-known TV personality and viewers know what to expect. The swearing was a genuine expression of his passion and frustration."
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