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Ramsay takes on produce, obesity and Delia

9th May 2008 - 00:00
Gordon Ramsay has hit out at chefs using out-of-season produce on their menus, going as far to say that restaurants should endure a fine if they are found to be serving food outside their season.
Delia Smith and her book of cheats also came in for a roasting from Ramsay: "I would expect students struggling on £15 a week to survive eating from a can but the nation's favourite, all-time icon reducing us down to using frozen, canned food. It's an insult. And it makes our lives, from a chef's point of view, a lot harder. Here we are trying to establish a reputation across the world for this country's food and along comes Delia and tips it out of a can. That hurts."
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PSC Team