8th Dec 2008 - 00:00
As part of an initiative to increase the amount of pupils who eat school meals, kids in Monmouthshire are being asked to take part in a competition to design a logo to promote school meals.
Pupils will have the chance to win the following prizes: a mountain bike for the winner, £50 sports voucher for the child who comes second, and £25 sports voucher for third place.
Sally Gaskins, Monmouthshire County Council's school development officer, explained: "We are sending a competition to all Monmouthshire primary schools asking pupils to design a Monmouthshire School Meals logo or character that we can adopt on all publications and literature, with the aim of raising the profile of school meals. The design will need to reflect ideas of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles."
She continued: "School meals give kids choice and variety and they are convenient for parents as they don't have to prepare a packed lunch every morning. Eating school meals together is sociable and we can all be sure that our children are eating a nutritionally balanced meal."
The school has also introduced a range of vegetarian options on its menu which includes fresh fruit and salad available on a daily basis, fish products which are fortified with Omega-3, and fried fruits. Chips only appear on the menu once every three weeks.
The Welsh Assembly's Appetite for Life Plan means Monmouthshire County Council must increase the uptake of school meals. The Appetite for Life Plan aims to improve nutritional standards for food and drink provided by schools in Wales.
The percentage of children having school meals has been declining for several years in Monmouthshire, which mirrors national trends. Currently 39% of children have school meals.