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Pupil creates new poster to boost school meal uptake

16th Jul 2009 - 00:00
The school term has ended like no other for 12 year old pupil Laura Doherty this week after her school artwork caught the eye of top London designers searching for a creative new poster to help boost sales of school meals across the country.
Laura, a pupil at Haslingden High School, Lancashire entered her innovative poster design into he national competition - set up by the School Food Trust's Million Meals campaign to enlist the help of pupils for a new advertising campaign to encourage more of them to enjoy a healthy school meal everyday. Thousands of pupils entered the competition in the hope of having their entry chosen to market school meals to millions of children across the country. Laura impressed the team of judges – which included London design and marketing agency Spinnaker for the compelling way it encouraged students to think harder about the impact that a healthy school lunch can have on their day. The judges also praised her strong artistic abilities with her eye catching hand drawn illustrations. As part of the prize Laura, who would like to pursue a career in Art & Design, spent a day at Spinnaker working with its designers and learn more about the industry. She also scooped £5k for her school to spend of further improvements to their own meal service. Laura's winning poster will be prominently displayed in school canteens all over the country at the start of the school term in September. Laura said: "I got the idea for 'Good Mood Food', because what you eat affects the mood you are in. I designed the letters and then drew people and how the food they were eating, both bad and good, affected their mood. It was the first time I had been to London and Spinnaker helped me make the poster more eye catching, they have kept my drawings and put it on a bright yellow background and it will hopefully encourage people to eat healthier.'' Head teacher Eve Challinger said: ''Staff and pupils at Haslingden High School are extremely proud of Laura's hard work, not only will her work be seen by pupils here but also all over England. Our school council will now decide how we should spend the £5k prize money to ensure our meal service continues to run to a high standard.''
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PSC Team