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Product manager of Lyons Seafood completes Bristol 10k run for charity

21st May 2010 - 00:00
Mark Bentley, product manager of Lyons Seafood, has become the 'fastest prawn' to complete the Bristol 10k run in a bid to raise funds for charity.
Bentley pledged to don a prawn costume if he exceeded his personal sponsorship target of £1,000, encouraging his peers to donate over £1,500. He completed the race in 54 minutes 22 seconds, with proceeds going to St Peter's Hospice in Bristol and global charity Stop the Traffik. Speaking of his achievement, Bentley said: "I'm thrilled to be the first ever prawn to run the Bristol 10k and can officially boast that I am not only the first but also the fastest. Even better news is that the team I was running with raised almost £120,000 to support our nominated charities. It's a prawn-nomenal achievement!"
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