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Prime minister lends backing to Nutrition Day initiative

20th Mar 2013 - 10:31
Prime Minister David Cameron has written in to lend his support to Nutrition Day, which has been jointly organised by the National Association of Care Catering and the Hospital Caterers Association.

In a letter to the NACC and the HCA, Prime Minister David Cameron offered his backing to their joint initiative to help ensure people in social and health care settings have enough to eat and drink.

Nutrition Day today (March 20th) is part of a week-long effort taking place to raise awareness of the importance of good nutritional care, which includes hydration, which is being promoted in many hospitals and care homes throughout the UK.

In his letter, Cameron wrote: “I am happy to lend my support to your campaign, which complements the Government’s own efforts to ensure good nutritional care.”

Karen Oliver, NACC chair said: “It’s important to understand how much food and fluid is required on a daily basis, how this can be increased and what good practices to follow are.

The focus of Nutrition Day is on providing vital advice and guidance to health and social professionals on the actions they can take to help prevent under-nutrition and dehydration.

Added Oliver: “The overall aim is to illustrate how, by making positive changes to eating and drinking habits, people can improve their quality of life."

Written by
PSC Team