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Price of cup of coffee hikes at Pret a Manger stores

15th Mar 2013 - 15:28
Coffee chain Pret a Manger has announced that the cost of its cappuccino is rising by 11p a cup to £2.10.

The company has put this increase down to its costs for key ingredients such as organic, milk and transport.

A spokesperson for Pret commented on the move: "Over recent years the cost of what goes into our hot drinks has gone up, from the organic milk we use to the fuel to deliver the component parts. We do everything that we can to keep our prices stable, but to ensure we are able to continue to pay our suppliers a fair price we have had to increase our prices on this occasion.

"We have now moved to a single price across the whole of the UK so no matter which shop customers visit they will always pay the same price."

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PSC Team