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Potato is safest food in Britain

5th Feb 2008 - 00:00
The humble potato, the staple diet of millions of people, has proven to be the safest food in Britain.
Food intolerance experts surveyed over 8,000 patients who took a food intolerance test with them in 2007, and found that less then 1% appeared in the highest intolerance bracket to potato. Therefore this makes it a food product least likely to be linked with symptoms including IBS, migrane, fatigue and eczema. Every person in the UK eats 200Ibs of potato each year. And in total, the UK manages to get through 5.5 million tonnes a year in the form of chips, roast, mashed, boiled and baked potatoes. Also on the list of safe foods to eat are grapefruit, with only 0.44% patients tested positive for intolerance, apricot and apple with 0.61%, barley just ahead with 0.65%, and lemon with 0.68%. Research also suggests that 20% of our entire intake of food is potato. Patrick Holford, nutrition expert and best selling author on health and food related matters, commented: "However rare, people do become ill from what they eat. Anybody with a suspicion that their lack of 100% health is to do with food would hardly consider taking potato out of their diet and so discovering the real and probable cause of ill health by a process of self-elimination can be a hit like finding a needle in a haystack." Weblink: Weblink:
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