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Poll shows caterers that students prefer branded tea options

23rd Sep 2014 - 13:53
student poll tea branded survey Unilever PG Tips
A survey of students has highlighted for university caterers how serving a branded cup of tea has the potential to boost sales, with 45% of students saying they are more likely to buy takeaway tea if it’s a brand they drink at home.

Not only that, but nearly half (46%) said they would be prepared to pay more if they knew it was their favourite brand.

Quality and taste were shown to be just as important as price for students when it comes to takeaway tea. Almost half (48%) picked taste as being one of their most important considerations while 43% selected quality as being key.

Unsurprisingly, price was highlighted by 44% of students as one of the main factors when deciding whether to buy tea, while almost a third said it is important to them that tea is branded.

The unbranded survey by StudentPoll for Unilever Food Solutions was of a sample of 250 further and higher education students who said they drink tea. It found a third said PG tips was their first choice, while the second favourite won just 17% of the vote.

Rebecca Smith, category manager for tea, Unilever Food Solutions, said: “For this survey we wanted to find out what students really look for when they buy takeaway tea, so that we can help our university customers to boost their sales.

“PG tips is the number one brand of tea for students, who consider quality and taste to be two of the most important factors when buying it out of home. This makes branded takeaway tea solution PG2GO perfect for university caterers.

“Universities can also boost the appeal of takeaway tea to students who are interested in sustainability because the tea is sourced from fully certified Rainforest Alliance farms.

“And we’ve created a range of PG2GO point-of-sale (POS) that caterers can use to shout about the fact they’re serving students’ favourite tea.”

To find out more visit

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PSC Team