Having achieved one gold star for both its brand new black mussel shell and 4cm gluten free, neutral mini tartlet, general manager Robert Whittle commented: “We have entered two of our new and most innovative products to date, and the results have not disappointed.
“We have mirrored our success of last year and could not be more delighted with a Gold Star for both our black mussel shell and gluten free tartlet. We hope we can continue this success for many more years to come.”
With around 13,000 entries this year, each product is blind-tasted and judged on flavour, texture and appearance by a panel of chefs, cookery writers, food critics, restaurateurs and fine food retailers across the country.
As well as being deemed ‘simply delicious,’ judges praised Pidy’s innovation and expertise.
Of its mussel shell, the accreditation scheme for fine food and drink said: “(It’s a) very clever looking pastry shells and the flavour does not disappoint - we note the butter element and there is some depth of flavour.
“Not light and friable, but strong enough to hold a moist filling, and not actually tough on the palate. A clever product and versatile - a pretty little shell. The flavour is good; buttery and also short in texture. The beauty is in the shape and texture."
And of the tartlet: “Evenly browned and well-cooked pastry cases - a light sandy colour. Crisp with a good break.”
“An innovative and versatile product well-cooked and with precise presentation.
“A clean snap with a light buttery taste with toasty notes and a subtle sweetness. The judges commend the expertise in the production of this product. Texturally this product has a lot to offer to its filling.”