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People 1st Training Company launches to enhance hospitality skills

8th Feb 2011 - 00:00
People 1st has launched the People 1st Training Company as the umbrella organisation for all its accredited training programmes, bringing greater alignment to its portfolio of products and ensuring it is even more responsive to meeting industry skills gaps.
Customers will be able to capitalise on training shaped by ongoing research into the sector's needs by People 1st's research division, and see more clearly what is on offer. Brian Wisdom, People 1st's chief executive, confirmed that the rationale behind the recent rebrand was to bring clarity to a wide range of training programmes and give customers the assurance that they met the qualifications and skills standards specified by People 1st. He commented: "As the UK's hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism industry comes into the global spotlight over the next few years, we have identified a number of skills gaps such as customer service, management and leadership, and training for small businesses, that need to be immediately addressed and have increased our portfolio of training products to ensure that sector businesses can capitalise on the fantastic opportunities that lie ahead. These programmes meet the skills gaps identified by employers and carry the People 1st accreditation." The People 1st Training Company will house all training products including: Train the Trainer programmes: Stonebow Group Training Certificate (GTC) Stonebow Practical Training Certificate (PTC) Accelerated Behavioural Change (ABC) for Trainers WorldHost Customer Services for Facilitators Leadership and management programmes: Stonebow Accelerated Behavioural Change (ABC), a neurolinguistic based programme designed to enhance team performance FranklinCovey's 'The 7 habits of highly effective people' which has been specifically adapted for the hospitality industry Stonebow Focus on Business programmes: Focus on Food Profits Focus on Bed and Breakfast Profits Focus on Sales Focus on Marketing WorldHost customer service training: The Principles of Customer Service Ambassadors Workshop Customers With Disabilities Service Across Cultures Women 1st – management and leadership training: Step-up: a development and leadership programme for women in the sector Female Chefs' Development programme Mentoring scheme Regional networking events All these programmes can be adapted to businesses' own specific needs and are delivered by the top trainers within the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism industry. For further information visit:
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PSC Team