21st May 2008 - 00:00
The Doncaster Primary Care Trust (PCT) is backing a campaign to encourage more Doncaster children to eat a healthy school meal.
The PCT believes that nutritious school meals are a key ingredients in the urge to cut childhood obesity and make the borough's children healthier.
Therefore the Trust has pledged £600,000 to promote healthy school meals across Doncaster's primary schools.
Dr Tony Baxter, joint director of public health for Doncaster PCT and Doncaster Council, commented: "Doncaster has a number of deprived communities and the link between deprivation, poor health and educational attainment is well established. Healthy eating in schools is a key part of both the PCT's and Doncaster Council's strategy to increase educational standards and tackle health inequalities."
Doncaster's school catering service produces an average 100,000 meals per week, served at 124 sites across the borough. Around 70% of meals are served to primary school children aged seven to 11.
Some 57% of the borough's primary school pupils regularly have a school meal, which is 17% better than the national average.
Coun Eva Hughes, Doncaster's Council's Cabaret Member for Children and Young People, added: "Our staff have been working closely with the dieticians from Doncaster Royal Infirmary to produce menus that each contain up to 14 key nutrients, so there is a fantastic health value to the food the children eat."