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Parents queue up from 3am for spot on school breakfast club

23rd Jul 2018 - 07:00
Parents of primary schoolchildren at the Cardiff-based school, Ysgol Y Berllan Deg, queued up from 3am to secure a spot on its pre-school breakfast club.

With 400 school kids, the government-funded scheme offers just 80-150 places on a first-come, first-serve basis – leaving hundreds with a place.


According to The Times, ‘more than 130’ parents queued up, including Annett Farrow (69), who left her house in West Wales at 1:30am to secure her grandchildren places.


She said: “My son and daughter-in-law are on holiday so we had to come. If it gets them a place it will have been worth it. We have brought biscuits and crisps, the only problem is the toilets.”


Another parent, Leanne Taylor arrived at 3.30am, commenting: “If I didn¹t have this (the breakfast club) I would not be able to go to work. I can’t risk not getting a place.”


A Cardiff council spokeswoman said: “Places at Ysgol Y Berllan Deg’s breakfast club are in high demand. Additional places have been created every year and the service is regularly reviewed.


“However, unfortunately due to staff and space limitations, the school is unable to provide a place for everyone who applies.”

Written by
Edward Waddell