Taking place on 12-13 March 2015 at the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, the PACE Learning & Development Forum will feature the BHA’s Big Hospitality Conversation and bring together hospitality employers, lecturers and heads of hospitality, and students with a common progressive goal.
Geoff Booth, national chair of PACE, said: “The Big Hospitality Conversation is a fantastic addition to the 2015 PACE Learning & Development Forum and we are thrilled to be working with the BHA. This really is a great opportunity for hospitality lecturers and heads of hospitality to learn more about the Big Hospitality Conversation movement and lend their support.”
“PACE is dedicated to continuing to raise the profile of the UK Hospitality sector as an exciting and viable career option, and highlighting the diverse range of job opportunities. We wholeheartedly champion partnership between colleges and employers to facilitate progressive work experience placements and structured traineeships, as well as apprenticeships and employment on graduation.”
The relevant programme of workshops, and respected speakers focuses on the latest topics, trends, teaching advances, government legislation and funding developments affecting the sector. Delegates will also have the opportunity to gain CPD points.
Confirmed speakers and presenters include; Ainsley Cheetham, funding consultant’ Sara Challinor, director of Mooreskills Ltd; Gerry Shurman, consultant, College of Hospitality, Food and Enterprise; and Martin-Christian Kent, research and policy director, People 1st.
Topics for the 2015 forum include funding, raising the school leaving age - the impacts on you, successful imbedding of GCSE Maths and English a year on, commercial activities in colleges, apprenticeships and traineeships - the impact of trailblazers, and use of technology in colleges.
The forum is also home to the annual PACE Awards Dinner which recognises and celebrates excellence in the field of hospitality and culinary education.
For more information about the PACE Learning & Development Forum 2015 and the PACE Awards 2015 visit www.mcculloughmoore.co.uk/pace or follow on twitter: @PACEUK #PACE2015