6th Nov 2008 - 00:00
Some 87% of diners think that restaurants charge too much for water, according to a survey conducted by Which? Publisher of The Good Food Guide.
The Claridges hotel in Mayfiar, London, has launched a water menu of more than 30 bottled waters from around the world, with the most expensive, Berg, costing the equivalent of £30 a litre. This is 13,636 times more expensive than tap water, which costs 0.22p a litre.
A fifth of respondents said they feel embarrassed when asking for tap water when eating out.
Although restaurants are not legally obliged to provide free tap water, nearly all will do so, including Claridges.
Not only is tap water cheaper, it doesn't actually taste that different. Half the survey respondents said they can't taste the difference between bottled and tap water. In fact, 18% actually prefer the taste from the tap.
Elizabeth Carter, consultant editor of the guide, said: "People looking after the pennies could easily save pounds by drinking tap water when eating out. We think that all restaurants should provide free tap water without customers having to ask. Most will cheerfully comply with requests for tap. If they don't, feel free to take your custom elsewhere."