In the 52 weeks to July 2017, total sales of organic rose by 4.1% - sustaining the steady growth seen over the past five years. Bananas witnessed the highest growth of any food and drink product in the organic sector with sales increasing by 25.5%, followed by a 13.1% increase in the sale of tomatoes, 12.6% in fruit and 7.9% in salad.
According to the Soil Association, increased consumer interest in nutrition and fresh, healthy and seasonal foods has lead to such growth, especially amongst 24-44 year olds who are most committed to buying organic. It also claims that heightened awareness, a more health-conscious attitude and consumers wanting to try new products is to thank, with the organic sector bringing out a greater range of innovative products as a result.
Clare McDermott, business development director at the Soil Association said: “Organic product innovation is demonstrating a wide appeal for consumers prioritising food quality, taste, and wellbeing simultaneously. With such a wide variety of products to choose from, together with nation-wide events and organic brand promotions, there has never been a better time to try organic than Organic September.”
Taking place for the entire month, Organic September aims to shine light on the benefits of eating organic, support nation-wide events and brand promotions, as well as ensuring consumers understand exactly what organic is. Through a range of retail promotions and brand participation, the charity hopes that the event will further boost the organic sector, and has launched its ‘Organic September Saturday’ campaign (16 September) to encourage independent retailers across the country to celebrate the wide variety of organic foods and flavours available.
For more information about Organic September, visit: