Of the 8,400 apprenticeships appearing on the Adzuna website, 1,044 concentrated on hospitality and catering, with IT and teaching also offering a high volume of apprenticeships.
The study used data from over 1 million job vacancies listed on Adzuna, with London and the South East offering the most vacancies.
The data also showed that the average advertised salary for apprenticeships across the UK is £14,759. The apprenticeships that pay the most are in the legal sector, averaging £23,904, followed by engineering and teaching.
There were 1,096 recorded graduate apprenticeships on offer. The government aims to create 3 million apprenticeships by 2020 in order to raise the nation’s productivity.
Doug Monro, co-founder of Adzuna, said: “Increasing apprenticeships is crucial to unlock the skills crisis currently constraining our key industries.
“Apprenticeships offer a cost-effective way of training on the job as well as developing new talent in skills shortage areas. This makes them a win-win solution for both employers and jobseekers.”