The offer will focus on ‘innovation, choice and quality’ as part of the hospital’s site developments. The main entrance will house a Costa and ’The Market’ a new store concept. The surgical block will open One Retail’s own branded ‘Coffee House’ that offers quality and choice across the brands.
Cathy Jones, deputy chief executive at Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, commented: “We are extremely pleased to be working with One Retail to provide new food, drink and retail outlets to our staff, visitors and patients. Having a variety of high-quality options available will really make a difference to those attending our Luton and Dunstable Hospital site.”
To facilitate convenience and speed of service for customers, the One Retail team will be utilising technology including its Time2Eat app, self-service tills and self-ordering kiosks.
Andrew Jones, One Retail managing director, added: “This is a great example of a partnership that will see the immediate impact of an enhanced retail offer. We are pleased to be investing and introducing a combination of in house and high street names to the hospital, which will provide choice and quality in very busy environment.”