Dora Welsh, a Nutritionist Resource member, also listed milk, eggs and strawberries as foods that could bring on the condition which sees the skin become itchy, red, dry and cracked.
Fish, potatoes, and apples were food considered to have qualities that can help reduce the severity of skin condition.
Welsh said: “Milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts, shellfish, soy, chocolate, nuts, strawberries and citrus fruits are the major allergens believed to trigger eczema. The vast majority of people see a marked improvement by removing them from their diet.
"Those not wishing to exclude them all can see a nutritionist for food intolerance test for precise information on the foods they are sensitive to. Those foods are eliminated for at least three months, and then carefully reintroduced.
“The omega 3 fats found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, fresh tuna eaten at least three times a week helps reduce inflammation characteristic this condition."
Welsh suggests that the right diet is crucial to alleviating eczema and that treatments like steroid creams were not necessarily the answer.
“Mainstream medicine can control eczema by suppressing the symptoms," added Welsh. "But nutritional therapy addresses the underlying causes.
“The anti eczema diet focuses on pure natural foods to repair skin, total rehydration and eliminating allergens and which are thought to trigger the condition.”