Amy Fry, the NFU’s chief food business adviser, says: “The webinar will explore commitments to source more food from local farms to support the local economy and improve sustainability.
“It will also explore sustainable diets and the challenge to eat healthier diets without reducing key food groups and we will hear directly from farmers how they farm to reach Net Zero and enhance the environment.
"We believe that as a collection we need to champion British food. The webinar will discuss how we can work together to place it at the heart of menus.”
The webinar will also address:
- Innovative menus utilising meat, dairy and plant-based proteins
- Underpinning meals with British vegetables
- Developing seasonal menus to optimise on increased volumes
- Reduce ultra-processed foods offered
- Working more directly with suppliers to build longer term supply agreements
- Championing the value of British food and educating children on what they are eating
The speakers include NFU deputy president Tom Bradshaw and science director at the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) Sara Stanner as well as a farmer supplier and public procurement buyer.
Amy Fry said that the webinar was aimed at, among others, catering operators in universities, schools, care homes, as well as catering colleges, local authority leaders and procurement advisers.
To join the event on the day click here. As it is an open Teams webinar no registration is involved.