After finding out that black plastic cannot be recycled, the company worked with the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) to devise a 'first-to-market' special pigment. This allows UK recycling plants to pick up black plastic on conveyor belts, and for consumers to recycle black plastic lids alongside their generic recycling.
The Collective co-founder, Amelia Harvey, said: “Infrared sensors in recycling plants don’t normally pick up plastic on conveyor belts.
"This means our lids are not usually detected, classed as residual waste and incinerated.
"Now the lids are being made with a new green pigment that can be picked up by plant sensors and will be recycled alongside The Collective’s polypropylene pots.”
Bernard Chase, plastic specialist at WRAP, added : “WRAP is delighted to have worked with The Collective to help it implement its first-to-market black pigment technology, leading the way in the grocery sector.
"In order to help meet the challenging targets set down in the UK plastics pact, WRAP hopes that other businesses in the sector may soon follow the lead set by The Collective in adopting this forward-thinking technology.”