27th Oct 2008 - 00:00
The food Standards Agency (FSA) has published a new website section to bring together information and guidance on how to report, respond and prevent a food or animal feed incident.
The section aims to help enforcement authorities and members of the food industry find key incidents guidance and services quickly. It includes the online report form for businesses to notify the Agency if they need to recall or withdraw products from the market.
This report can also be used by local and port health authorities to report incidents.
The new section includes guidance on food safety for farmers, caterers, manufacturers and others, FSA annual reports on incidents that show how many incidents were handled in a year and what action was taken to protect consumers; and details of post-incident reviews, which aim to make sure as much as possible is done to prevent future and similar incidents.
In addition, statistics and analysis information for the period 2000 to 2007 is available, as well as details of international information-sharing forums and networks that work to identify emerging risks and facilitate incident prevention.
The Agency will be bringing more incident information online as it become available.
Weblink: www.food.gov.uk