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NACC bidding for community meals world record

3rd Aug 2012 - 12:15
The National Association of Care Catering (NACC) is set to serve its way into the Guinness Book of World Records during its National Community Meals Week 2012 that runs from October 1-7.

The catering organisation aims to launch the event with a nationwide challenge to set the world record for the total number of the same community meal served to service users on the same day.

The NACC, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, is calling on care caterers the length and breadth of the country to take part in the world record attempt on Monday, October 1st to help make National Community Meals Week 2012 an event that really puts this vital service on the global map.

To secure the world record participating service providers across the UK will be serving the exact same two-course menu to customers.

On October 1st community meals service users nationwide can expect to dine on a menu of roast beef, potatoes and seasonal vegetables, rounded off with the Great British favourite pudding of apple crumble and custard.

The day will be celebrated with a special launch event at the Jubilee Centre, St Albans, attended by dignitaries, fellow care associations and key representatives and supporters of the NACC.

This will provide the hub of the world record attempt, with ‘meals served’ totals from across the country being fed into the event with live online updates being posted for all participants to see.

Once verified by the Guinness Book of World Records, the final total and confirmation that the NACC has secured the world record will be announced to guests and service providers across the country.

Karen Oliver, NACC national chair, said: “National Community Meals Week is a huge part of the NACC’s events calendar.

“It promotes a service that prevents many thousands of vulnerable people becoming malnourished and also socially isolated.

“You simply cannot deny the overwhelming importance of this and that is why every year we dedicate a week to ensure that local government, Government and communities are aware of and support the crucial work of service providers and volunteers across the UK.

“By securing the world record we will really highlight the fantastic service and clearly demonstrate the sheer number of people that rely on this life line. I urge all service providers to take part.”

Participation in the world record attempt and National Community Meals Week is open to NACC members. For further information and to request a National Community Meals Week pack caterers should email or call 0870 748 0180.

Written by
PSC Team