West Dunbartonshire Council has agreed to provide vegan meals in all of its schools, following a campaign by a mother whose daughter struggled to find food to eat.
According to a survey by comparethemarket the number of vegans in the UK has soared to more than 3.5 million. There is also a growing number of 'flexitarians' who enjoy meat and dairy but want to reduce their consumption.
Kasravi contacted The Vegan Society to help her with her campaign. Dr Jeanette Rowley, the charity’s legal advisor, said to the BBC: “We are delighted to have been able to help Alexis and Mia. All children, regardless of their ethical convictions, should be able to benefit from government-funded schemes; we applaud the school and council for recognising this.
"Veganism is protected under human rights and equality law, which means if a child is eligible for a free school meal, the duty is not to discriminate by providing a vegan option."