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More kids are tucking into healthy school meals in Doncaster

16th Aug 2010 - 00:00
The proportion of children enjoying healthy school dinners in Doncaster has been rated among the highest in the country, latest figures have shown.
Data from the School Food Trust shows that 60.8% of primary school pupils in the borough ate school meals between April 2009 and March 2010. This is well above the national average of 41.4%. The Council works closely with NHS Doncaster in producing meals that meet strict nutritional standards but remain affordable for thousands of local families. The organisation provides meals to 102 primary, infant and junior schools and 50% of the secondary schools in the borough. It uses fresh, high quality produce from, whenever possible, local suppliers to support the regional economy and reduce the number of "food miles" run up in deliveries. Paul Burns, senior health improvement manager at NHS Doncaster, welcomed the survey's findings: "A healthy balanced diet promotes proper growth and development and helps to protect children's health in the long-term. There are also links between diet and performance at school with those children who are properly nourished more likely to behave better and concentrate more." While primary schools in some areas of the country saw the number of pupils eating school meals drop, Doncaster's take-up rose by 2.6%. In secondary schools Doncaster's take up was 46.6% compared to the national average of 35.8%. Councillor Andrea Milner, Doncaster Council's cabinet member for the Children and Young People's Service, Equalities and Cohesion, added: "I'm delighted that so many of our children are enjoying healthy and nutritional meals at an affordable price. "We are committed to providing as many healthy choices as possible whilst at the same time representing excellent value for money. The sourcing of local wholesome produce helps us to maximise efficiency, reduce costs and support local businesses."
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PSC Team