31st Jul 2008 - 00:00

More of the UK's workplace caterers have made commitments to provide healthier food, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) reported this week.
The FSA, with help from the British Hospitality Association, has received commitments from Accent Catering, Charlton House, ISS Eaton, Artizian, Autograph and ISS Mediclean.
Some of the commitments include grilling or steaming foods instead of frying, using skimmed milk in desserts and sauces, offering wholegrain breads and pastas, and using logos and nutritional information to help customers choose healthier options.
These developments will result in healthier food and more information for a further 160,000 meals served by these six companies in the workplace every day. This equals to a total of 1.6 million healthier meals.