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Michael Gove calls for free school meals expansion at CPC

7th Oct 2022 - 06:00
At the Conservative Party Conference MP for Surrey Heath Michael Gove highlighted the importance of expanding free school meals to the 800,000 children living in poverty who are not eligible to receive them.

Gove said: “What we can do is extend free school meals to every child in a family in receipt of universal credit… Given the scale of the challenge we face and the benefits that it brings… It seems to me that this is a more than worthwhile intervention.”

Gove’s comments were supported by LACA chair Brad Pearce, who said via Twitter: “Fully support this call #everychildeverytime #makingadifference.”

Gove also received support from school meals campaigner and chef Jamie Oliver, who commented: “This is promising to hear. Right now 800,000 children living in poverty don’t have access to free school meals. This needs to change. #FeedTheFuture.”

Campaigner Christina Adane launched a petition to extend eligibility for free school meals to all those in need because she couldn’t understand how one of the richest nations of the world couldn’t provide access to at least one nutritious meal a day for children living in food poverty. The petition has been signed by more than 159,000 people.

Written by
Edward Waddell