The findings, released to mark Meals on Wheels Week, show that in just three years spending on the service for those aged 65 and over has fallen by almost half (47%), from £42.1m in 2010/11 to £22.3m in 2013/14.
Diane Jeffrey, chair of the Malnutrition Task Force and chairman of Age UK, said: “Ensuring older people are well nourished is essential if they are to stay fit and well, and Meals on Wheels have traditionally played an important role in this. It is dismaying to see this former mainstay of community care for older people being allowed to shrivel away because of Government cuts. At this rate of decline there won’t be any Meals on Wheels provision left at all in a few years’ time.
“An important preventive service for older people is well on the way to becoming extinct. This seems a terrible false economy, since the Meals on Wheels service helps to prevent malnutrition, which makes older people more vulnerable to illness and disease and piles cost onto the NHS, as well as spelling misery for the individuals concerned. Meals on Wheels also provide essential social contact for those pensioners who are otherwise entirely alone, an important indirect benefit.”
The Task Force also says that in less than 10 years, the number of people receiving ‘Meals on Wheels’ has fallen by over 80% - equal to 125,000 older people missing out.
Age UK estimates that there are around 300,000 people aged 65 and over in England who need help with eating or have difficulty eating unaided, whilst malnutrition is estimated to affect 1.3 million elderly people.
The Malnutrition Task Force was set up in 2012 to raise awareness of malnutrition and dehydration among older people and to develop solutions for preventing and tackling the problem.
Neel Radia, chair of the National Association of Care Catering (NACC), said: "Removing this vital lifeline for elderly people not only puts more pressure on our hospitals and NHS staff but is also dangerous for those who rely on the service. Maintaining good nutrition and the human contact that comes with this is key to ensuring that our elderly are able to live independently in good health for as long as possible.
"Cutting this service puts vulnerable, elderly members of the community at risk and will also end up costing the country far more money. The service needs protecting in law and the NACC calls upon the Government to act immediately to do so.”
Meals on Wheels Week was set up by the NACC. This year the association is calling on those in the foodservice and care industries to sign a petition to protect the service - click here to sign.