Several charities, such as the Felix Project, will be given money to provide the ten million meals to families across the capital to help combat holiday hunger.
Khan said: “The spiralling cost of living is hitting low-income Londoners particularly hard and it’s shocking so many people are struggling to put food on their table. I have repeatedly called on the Government to do more to help those in need and support families during the school holidays, but they have not provided the assistance that is urgently needed.
“That’s why I’m stepping in today with a major new emergency funding package that will provide around ten million free holiday meals to hundreds of thousands of Londoners most in need. I’m committed to doing all I can to support Londoners through this cost of living crisis and will continue to urge ministers to step forward and do the same as we build a more prosperous London for all.”
Anna Taylor, chief executive of the Food Foundation, added: "The London Mayor has demonstrated inspired leadership in the fight to end child food poverty. But the sad truth is that, without central Government taking the necessary action, we'll see an even greater postcode lottery and children outside of London not on a level playing field.
"This time is well overdue for Government to address the issue of children missing out on free school meals, and therefore not qualifying for free holiday provision, so that all children across our nation have an equal chance to eat healthily and thrive."