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Make Red Tractor the ‘flagship for British food,’ says chief executive

27th Jun 2018 - 07:00
Jim Moseley, chief executive of food regulation organisation Red Tractor, has called on the government to “capitalise on growing demand for safe, traceable food in international markets by using Red Tractor Assurance as a key selling point,” during the EFRA Select Committee’s ‘Brand Britain’ inquiry.

Claiming its logo should be ‘the flagship for British food at home and abroad,’ Moseley added: “Government investment in promoting and marketing British food abroad is not on the same scale of countries such as the USA and Ireland.
“Both countries deliver co-ordinated marketing activities funded by government to develop export and international markets.


“It will take investment and resources but research shows that the opportunity is there and we believe now is the time to take it.


The research Moseley refers to is, in part, a recent AHDB Horizon report which found that 76% of Chinese consumers ‘trust British food to be safe’ and 61% were prepared to pay a premium for it.


Only 37% of French consumers on the other hand view British food as safe and even less (21%) are willing to pay a premium.


Moseley continued: “Red Tractor provides the standards which underpin the fundamental food safety, quality and traceability requirements of overseas customers.
“Significant work is required to communicate the quality credentials of British food to both commercial buyers and international consumers if we are to capitalise on this opportunity.”

AHDB international director, Dr Phil Hadley, added: “Our recent consumer research has highlighted opportunities to develop brand recognition for British products in key overseas markets.
“To do so will require large investment to ensure we capitalise on the growing importance of non-EU markets for our products.
“AHDB has a dedicated team working to develop international trade with marketing and promotional expertise, funded by our farmers, growers and processors.”

Written by
Edward Waddell