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Magic Breakfast survey finds majority of teachers support Government’s breakfast plan

6th Sep 2024 - 07:00
Lindsey MacDonald, chief executive of Magic Breakfast
A large majority of teachers (88%) back the Government’s breakfast plan for English primary schools and want it to reach all children but they also highlighted that funding must cover staffing and resource costs.

Magic Breakfast, using the survey tool TeacherTapp, asked up to 10,000 teachers for their views on the Government’s planned breakfast provision for English primary schools. 

Almost four in five teachers (78%) think the policy will encourage better attendance and two thirds (67%) believe that children having breakfast will have a positive impact on classroom behaviour and concentration.

The survey also outlined teachers’ views on the proposed policy, with 92% stipulating that breakfast must have designated funding for staff and resource costs. A third of teachers surveyed said they would need support on setting up and running breakfast provision in schools.  

Lindsey MacDonald, chief executive of Magic Breakfast, commented: “We have been consistently clear on the benefits of supporting children with a daily school breakfast and the value it delivers for teachers, parents and schools. Most importantly, breakfast sets each child up for their school day, their ability to learn and thrive. I am pleased to see that most teachers share these views.   

“We want to see a range of options, not just breakfast clubs. This means, where viable, offering classroom breakfast, nurture rooms and ‘grab ‘n’ go’ offers so no child is too hungry to learn. Implementing multiple models better supports children, teachers and families, offering more children access to a healthy, nutritious breakfast without stigma.

“Magic Breakfast also wants to see breakfast available to children in SEND and alternative provision settings and extending provision to secondary level and all children in the devolved nations. Magic Breakfast is available to support the Government around the forthcoming Children’s Wellbeing Bill in developing a school breakfast offer which will deliver the most benefits in the most effective way.”

Magic Breakfast recently launched ‘Breakfast Powers Opportunity’ a campaign to ensure the Government’s breakfast commitment is implemented to deliver the best outcomes for children and young people. 

Marie Berry, headteacher at Bournville Primary School in Weston-Super-Mareadded: "At our school, the children have been supported by Magic Breakfast for over seven years. I have seen first-hand the overwhelmingly positive impact it has had on the children and our community.  

“It’s encouraging that the benefits breakfast brings could soon be available to all English primary schools – however, it’s important that the teachers and schools are supported with adequate funding to provide healthy, nutritious food and that schools can access the staffing and resources needed to reach every child every morning.”

Access the full research below.

Written by
Edward Waddell