Hoping to “provide healthier choices for the staff and students,” the new concept centres around three different food and beverage choices throughout the day - drinks and snacks, grab-and-go meals and refectory dining.
Offering a selection of made-to-order smoothies, shots, juices and barista-brewed coffee, the venue also serves CH&Co Group’s ‘Healthiest Cakes Ever’ range, which has been developed “to contain less saturated fat and refined sugar, and more fruit and vegetables.” Each homemade cake and bake has between 140 and 280 calories per item.
Sharon Linney, operations director for Lusso, said: “The official launch of ‘Juice D Bar’ was a vibrant, energetic affair and it was great to collaborate with our suppliers to bring the concept to life. The staff and students loved the transformation of the outlet into a fresh and inviting space, and the juices, coffee and snacks went down a treat.
“As a trusted partner of the Royal College of Art, we want to ensure that our catering offer is the first choice over the high street. This is a key motivation behind the new food court approach, which offers quality food and beverages at distinct dining destinations. We’re looking forward to progressing to the next phase.”
The launch forms part of the college’s planned redevelopment to introduce a food court.