1st Jul 2009 - 00:00
lunch!, the UK’s only trade show dedicated to the food-to-go market, will take place on the 1st and 2nd October 2009 at London’s Old Billingsgate venue.
Now firmly established after its 2008 debut, lunch! will see more than 100 companies promote their products to the UK's most important buyers in the £5 billion food-to-go sector. The show will attract visitors from major high street retailers and supermarkets to the UK's leading contract caterers and quality independents, to source the latest products and network with the industry. A huge seminar programme over the two-days will see talks from leading experts and industry high flyers, with countless tasting sessions, the lunch! Retailer of the Year Awards, and the British Smoothie Championship event all adding to the programme. John Clifton, event manager of lunch!, said: "lunch! has fast become the industry's core event, giving visitors a first glace at new trends while allowing exhibitors to communicate with their target buyers, network within the industry, and educate people on their latest products. At the 2008 debut we saw visitors who hold a purchasing power of 2 billion pounds, from right across the quality food-to-go sector, with this year's show set to be even bigger." lunch! is free to attend for trade visitors who have pre-registered. Weblink: www.lunchshow.co.uk To enquire about exhibiting, please contact John Clifton on 01273 645 123 or email jclifton@divcom.co.uk