9th Oct 2008 - 00:00
The International Business Forum comes to Scarborough this year and local chefs and hospitality students are getting set to cater for the guests.
The organisers say that the gala dinner will showcase the very best the region has to offer, in terms of culinary skills, ingredients and service. Bringing together the award-winning talents of James McKenzie from the Pipe and Glass at South Dalton with Stephanie Moon from Rudding Park near Harrogate, to work with the Spa's head chef Paul Broadhead and his team, the evening also sees a helping hand from students from Scarborough's Yorkshire Coast College and Thomas Danby College to assist in the kitchen and with food service. The "Deliciouslyorkshire" menu will feature regional and seasonal ingredients including crab from both Whitby and Scarborough, lamb from Nidderdale and just-picked apples from Ampleforth Abbey. Canapes featuring Lowna Dairy goats cheese, Belikers smoked salmon, Scarborough Woof and Home Farmed Venison will kick off the evening. Jonathan Knight, CEO of the Regional Food Group who is helping to bring the event together says: "This is a real opportunity to remind the business community what fantastic talent and food and drink the region has to offer, and we're delighted that James and Stephanie are devoting the time to work together with the Spa team. Many thanks also to the Colleges for their support and to the members of the Regional Food Group who are assisting with sourcing the best possible products for the evening –it promises to be one of the high spots of the Forum." The event takes place on the 5th November at The SPA Complex in Scarborough. It is billed as a high profile event designed to encourage businesses to work together by offering a unique networking experience, highlight investment opportunity and to showcase the achievements of the business community in Scarborough. Seats to the event are still available and priced at £48.00+VAT. For more information please contact 0800 195 3040 or email paul@exevents.com Weblink: www.internationalbusinessforum.co.uk