3rd Sep 2008 - 00:00
An equipment company has made the unusual move of introducing a lifetime anti-chip warranty on one of their ranges.
Foodcare Dining has got right behind their Tuxton range by issuing a lifetime warranty, which incidentally is the first time a supplier has made such a commitment.
In a statement the company explained why they're making such a bold move: "Well, kilned to very high temperatures, Tuxton's modern manufacturing process prevents chipping and crazing, making the range ideally suited for use in the microwave, as well as being totally dishwasher proof, ovenproof and freezer proof.
Well proven within the NHS, the Tuxton range brings even more confidence to buyers and users, especially in institutions where the last thing a caterer wants is added costs to replace chipped crockery."
For further information on the Foodcare Dining product portfolio, visit
www.foodcaredining.com Or telephone 01553 770444