Leicester City Council will provide eligible families with fruit, vegetables, milk, bread and other cupboard essentials to ensure children have breakfast, lunch and dinner options during half-term.
Families will be able to select a good food hamper and additional items from the community pantry, choosing food that their child likes to eat up to a value of around £25.
Those who are eligible for the scheme will have been directly contacted by their child’s school – and those wishing to take up the offer now have until Monday 6th May to register.
Deputy city mayor Cllr Sarah Russell said: “The rising cost of living means we’re seeing more and more people being pushed to crisis point. We don’t want to see families having to rely on initiatives like these pop-up pantries, and it’s not acceptable that families find themselves in this position.
“I’d like to thank Samworth Brothers and Company Shop for helping us support thousands of young people and their families, and I’d also like to thank the volunteers who give up their time to help staff our five community pantries.
“I’m sure that our pop-up pantries will help make life a little easier for lots of local families again this half-term. Around 16,000 children and young people in Leicester are eligible for free school meals.”