This means that between them, workers consumed a total 125 million bags of crisps last year – equating to 313 bags per person, per year, and six bags per 5-day week, each.
According to online estate agent LeedsOffices.co.uk (who carried out the research), the top five UK crisp eating cities for office workers, include:
- Leeds – 313 bags a year
- Birmingham – 261 bags a year
- Liverpool – 197 bags a year
- Nottingham - 185 bags a year
- Glasgow – 143 bags a year
While the nation’s crisp eating habit bares obvious health implications – Leeds workers shovelling away an estimated three kilos of fat per person annually – it is also adding to the waste problem, LeedsOffices.co.uk said.
Company spokesperson Jonathan Ratcliffe explained: “Nearly half a million crisp packets being chucked in office bins every day in Leeds is almost impossible to imagine, but the fact is that the huge majority of snack packaging can’t be recycled.
“Instead, it either goes to landfill or is simply burned – and both of these outcomes are tremendously wasteful.
“There are other ways of snacking that don’t cost the Earth. You could try fresh fruit, for example, which is delicious and good for you.”