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Labour leader Keir Starmer declines to back expansion of free school meals

7th Jul 2023 - 06:00
Sir Keir Starmer
Asked if a future Labour government would commit to extending universal school meals to all primary children, Sir Keir Starmer has said the focus instead would be on breakfast.

And he admitted that the likely cost of implementing an expansion of UIFSM was a significant factor in the decision.

He was appearing on Radio 4’s Today programme to announce a Labour Party pledge, ahead of a general election next year, to improve children's speaking skills as part of a drive to break down class barriers to opportunity.

In it he also called for more emphasis on creativity, emotional intelligence, resilience and an ability to adapt. And he promised to level up vocational and academic learning.

Today programme presenter Justin Webb, said to him: “But one of the things you need to achieve your educational goals is to be ‘not hungry’.

And he cited an interview earlier in the programme with Councillor Jasmin Ali, deputy leader of Labour-led Southwark Council in south London, which has had free school meals for all primary children for ten years.

In it she said: “Before we implemented it we did a pilot and found pupils made between four and eight weeks more progress than expected.

“Teachers said the behaviour in the classroom was better, pupils were more ready to learn and the concentration was there. If you’ve got hungry children they are not going to have the concentration.”

Sir Keir responded: “There’s a healthy debate across society and in the Labour Party about free school meals and some councils. And, as you rightly say, some councils, in Wales and the mayor [of London Sadiq Khan] have already committed to it.

“But we have set out our position, which is breakfast clubs for every child which will make a material difference. They money is a big factor, I won’t shy away from this. We have to have very strong rules about what we can spend and what we can’t.”

Written by
David Foad